I just finished having a phone conversation with a good friend who is complaining of feeling Lonely and she needs to start a new relationship with a man to stop feeling lonely. Mind you this is someone who just broke up with her Ex boyfriend after 2years of dating last week. I had to ask her, Girl won’t you want to give yourself time to heal and get over your Ex before starting another relationship? It is best you give yourself time to heal and get over your Ex so you don’t carry your baggage from your last relationship to go and bleed on the next innocent guy. My girlfriend said she is not an Introvert like me that loves and enjoys staying alone. Girl said she needs a man in her life to do away with loneliness and to help her forget about her Ex boyfriend quickly. There is nothing I hate more than to hear ladies complain of being lonely so they need a man to keep away loneliness? Do you know there are a lot of married men and women who complain of being lonely in their marr...